Saturday, July 5, 2008

Check me out!

Ahh. So I am up to my elbows in 20 lbs of potato salad and cole slaw right now preparing for ForkFest, my first food event tomorrow.

(My kitchen in messy land)

The mayonnaise I just smeared all over my keypad is indicative of my lack of time to even wipe my hands off before typing this. Luckily, I don't have to write a long post.

My good friend Katherine Raz, author of the urban design blog, has just posted about my kitchen, spotlighting my Kitchen "Hacks" as a good example of manipulating urban spaces working within a tight budget.

(my kitchen in perfect land)

Wow, I didn't realize how cool I am. Thanks Katherine!!

1 comment:

  1. andrea
    you seriously rock my world. I want to be your apprentice...
