Saturday, August 23, 2008

Quite Berrylicious

Wild Raspberries
Originally uploaded by Bien Stephenson

I love raspberries. They've got to be my favorite fruit. Growing up, we had a huge raspberry patch in our back yard which I used to lay under gorging myself with the plump red juicy berries until I was sick. Picking them by the gallons, my mom would make multiple raspberry pies every summer, along with jams, and still have trays and trays of frozen berries for the winter.

I get so sad every time I go to the store, and see that a pint costs $5.00 0r more. Why! I scream at the berry overlords. To make a raspberry pie, it would cost me like $30.00. Ugh. As much as I love you, I just can't afford you. So for the sake of economy, (without sacrficing too much in taste) I dilute the raspberries with peaches and thus: Peach Melba Pie!

My Peach Melba Pie with homemade fresh whipped cream!

Peach Melba was invented in 1892 or 1893 by the French chef Auguste Escoffier at the Savoy Hotel, London to honor the Australian soprano, Dame Nellie Melba (1861 - 1931). So you can feel nice and historical as you dine on this divalicious dessert!


  1. I had this pie at your Forkfest and it was so good that I still think about now.

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