Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inaugural Bash Sommeliering

"Eat Drink and Be Merry" from Flickr

I've had a few requests for wine suggestions. Be warned I am no Sommelier, but these are my picks. All of the wine suggested below can be found at Sams Wines and Spirits, my mecca.

If you like white, a Spanish Albarino would go great with the Butternut Bisque. My personal favorite is Can Feixes which goes for around $14 a bottle.

If you are a red person, (Commie!) a Cotes Du Rhone or a petite syrah would go great with the lamb. Also my favorite Sicilian budget buy: Colosi is tasty for only $11.99 a bottle.

For the dessert perhaps a Port or something, but for me, I'm not that into dessert wines.

Here are two online web pairing resources for more info:

Sam's Wine Pairing Wine Pairing Tool

If you like beer (who doesn't) a bold amber or dark ale would be nice. Porter or stout would match the evil weather.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow! But for now, its to the kitchen! I have soo much to do.

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