Thursday, August 6, 2009

Papaya Smoothie

My current obsession for papaya seeds has left me with tons of papaya fruit with the middles scraped out. Its hot outside and I've got tons of fruit. What a predicament. I'm sure I can find something to do with it! Luckily, my blender tapped me on the shoulder to give me a quick hint. IT'S SMOOTHIE TIME!!

Papaya and Mango Smoothie
  • 2 papayas
  • 1 large mango
  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • lychees: optional
I know you don't need directions, you just cut the fruit apart and mix it together! You can make it any ratio of fruit you want. I had a lot of papaya, so I was able to make a whole pitcher. I've been pouring it out and adding a bit of white wine or sugar water to thin it down a bit. One way or the other I've been having fun.

So this post isn't a complete waste, here's a video on how to cut a mango. You can skip to the 35 second mark to skip all the mango chef's credentials. ENJOY!


  1. I just bought a papaya yesterday. Where do you get lychees in Chi-town? And how do you process them?

  2. You can get canned lychee at almost any Asian market. Richwell just south of 18th on Canal is good.

    You can get them fresh sometimes as well. They have a hard rubbery pinky red skin, which you can just peel off. Here is a good how-to.
